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Motorcycle and black helmet on ground next to car after dangerous accident - Legal Advantage GroupIn this article, you can discover…

What Should I Do Immediately After A Motorcycle Accident?

The first step to take immediately following a motorcycle accident is to call 911, for yourself and for anyone else involved in the accident. Do this even if you seem to be ok, as calling the police will get initial formal verification of the accident.

The next thing to do is to document the accident scene yourself as much as possible. Take photos and videos with your cell phone. Photograph your injuries and the condition of your bike and of other vehicles post-accident. If you happen to have been wearing a GoPro or similar recording camera at the time of the accident, be sure to save this data.

Get the names, driver’s license numbers, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance information of everyone involved in the accident, as well as contact info for any witnesses. Insurance cards and driver’s licenses can be photographed for easy reference later.

At the scene, give a statement to police stating simply what happened and what you saw; keep the report brief and objective. Ask the police for the reference number for their police report, and be sure to keep it with you.

Get to the emergency room or to a doctor as soon as possible after the accident. Do this even if you feel ok; injuries from accidents may not be felt for days, so getting checked out immediately after an accident is best.

Next, be sure to call a practiced personal injury lawyer as soon as you can and hold onto all documentation, data, and evidence related to the motorcycle accident. Finally, be sure to avoid posting about the accident on social media or discussing it online.

When A Motorcycle Accident Occurs, Should I Accept The First Settlement Offer From The Insurance Company?

Absolutely not. Insurance companies always try to make a low settlement offer to start, and if you accept their offer, that’s what they’ll pay and not a cent more – and they’re always going to offer a low amount.

The best thing to do is to contact a personal injury attorney before the insurance company can even reach out to you by phone or email. Allowing an attorney to negotiate with the insurance companies for you lets them know that you’re serious. What’s more, confronting the insurance company with an attorney right off the bat lets them know that you’re willing to go to court and can’t be lowballed.

What if you hire an attorney after they’ve made an offer? Hiring an attorney after the insurance company has made an initial offer may simply cause them to dig their heels in and refuse to offer you more. Get a skilled attorney on your side before the insurance companies call; this gives you far better chances of getting a fair and reasonable settlement amount.

Dan Loeliger an attorney with 4.4-star reviews

Attorney Dan Loeliger is a dedicated personal injury attorney serving clients just like you. For over 25 years, he’s helped Oklahoma motorcyclists get justice and fair compensation after an accident and taken insurance companies to task.

Have you faced injuries in a motorcycle accident? Need astute legal help and answers? Reach out to The Legal Advantage Group at (405) 449-5777 for a free initial consultation today.

When Should I Contact A Personal Injury Attorney After A Motorcycle Accident?

After you’ve taken down all information from witnesses, documented the scene, and sought medical attention, it’s time to call an attorney. Get in touch with a reputable and diligent personal injury law firm as soon as possible; this allows the insurance companies to know that you’re serious, well prepared, and can’t be fooled into taking less than you’re entitled to.

The attorney’s office will then set up an initial consultation and help you organize the materials that you’ll need going forward.

What Information Should I Bring To My Initial Consult With The Attorney?

Bring with you…

Case Study: The Importance Of UM/UIM Coverage

One motorcycle accident case I handled still stands out to me today. The compensation available was heartbreakingly insufficient due to the at-fault party’s state minimum coverage. Unfortunately, suing the person who was at fault for the accident wasn’t an option – like most people with minimum insurance, the other driver didn’t have enough money or assets to cover my client’s losses.

In this specific case, my client’s medical bills amounted to nearly half a million dollars, while the at-fault driver only had $25,000 worth of insurance. Furthermore, my client also had no uninsured motorist (UM) coverage or health insurance, so their ability to recover financial compensation was limited to a mere fraction of their medical bills.

Despite these challenges, we managed to negotiate with all the medical providers. The result? Instead of charging the full $500,000 they were owed, the providers accepted a lump sum payment of only $15,000. This allowed my client to receive an additional $7,500 after medical coverage and legal fees were paid. Considering the circumstances, this was a truly incredible outcome.

Of course, had the accident involved a commercial vehicle with higher insurance limits (or if my client had UM/UIM coverage), the compensation would have been significantly greater. Unfortunately, the at-fault driver was living in assisted Section 8 housing and driving an old vehicle, making further legal action impractical.

While encountering such inadequate coverage is uncommon, motorcycle accidents often result in more severe injuries, making it crucial to evaluate the financial aspects of the case early on. This experience has made me even more dedicated to ensuring my clients get the best possible outcome, even in the most challenging situations.

How Can A Personal Injury Attorney Help Me After An Accident?

Hiring a personal injury attorney isn’t just about sparring with insurance companies – the expenses you can amass after a motorcycle accident can be considerable. This is especially true if you have minimal health insurance or if the driver responsible for your accident is poorly insured.

Every aspect of your accident and situation is unique; working with a personal injury attorney who can tailor their legal approach to your circumstances, medical concerns, and needs maximize your chances of winning appropriate damages and helping you move forward with greater peace of mind.

For more information on What You Need To Know After A Motorcycle Accident In Oklahoma, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (405) 449-5777 today.

Dan Loeliger an attorney with 4.4-star reviews

Attorney Dan Loeliger is a dedicated personal injury attorney serving clients just like you. For over 25 years, he’s helped Oklahoma motorcyclists get justice and fair compensation after an accident and taken insurance companies to task.

Have you faced injuries in a motorcycle accident? Need astute legal help and answers? Reach out to The Legal Advantage Group at (405) 449-5777 for a free initial consultation today.

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