Wills And Trusts, We'll Make Them Foolproof

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A stack of estate planning documents including wills, trusts, and power of attorney forms on a wooden desk symbolizing estate planning before international travel - Legal Advantage GroupIn this article, you can discoverโ€ฆ

Why Is It Important To Review Or Create An Estate Plan Before Traveling?

Overseas travel can come with a host of unexpected complications or situations.

You may initially assume that estate planning before traveling abroad solely anticipates your passing away. However, you may also wish to make these plans to ensure that someone is legally designated to handle your money and pay your bills should you be unexpectedly delayed in a foreign country.

This helps keep utilities on and allows someone to make house repairs or pay other unexpected expenses until you return.

Furthermore, should something truly unexpected happen and you do pass away while overseas, having an estate plan in place helps surviving family members understand your final wishes and can make their next steps far less upsetting and complicated.

What’s The Difference Between A Durable Power Of Attorney For Finances And Healthcare?

A durable power of attorney for healthcare designates someone to execute your healthcare decisions, access your medical records, talk with doctors, and talk with you about health issues. If you were unconscious and unable to make medical decisions, they would act in your place and make your wishes known to medical staff.

A durable power of attorney for your finances designates someone to pay your bills and conduct business for you should you be unable to or while youโ€™re overseas. While you may choose to have both roles fulfilled by the same person, it is not uncommon to have one person designated to handle medical concerns and another to handle finances.

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Attorney Dan Loeliger is a seasoned lawyer whoโ€™s helped clients in Oklahoma just like you make international travelers' estate plans. With over 20 years of experience and an eye for detail, he can help you get your affairs in order and allow you to travel abroad with far greater peace of mind.

Have questions about estate planning before travel? Get in touch with The Legal Advantage Group at (405) 449-5777 for an initial consultation today.

What Steps Should I Take To Ensure My Power Of Attorney Documents Are Recognized Internationally?

Allow an estate attorney with experience handling international travel to review them for you. Make sure that theyโ€™re notarized, and be sure to tell your attorney which countries youโ€™ll be traveling to.

Should I Share My Estate Plan With My Loved Ones Before I Travel?

Yes, your loved ones should know what your wishes are and how to access copies of this information. Itโ€™s advisable to have a notebook that contains legal information your family should know about, and many law firms can supply you with one.

Making physical as well as digital copies of this data is important so that loved ones can access it online or offline. Make sure the person who is your power of attorney, especially, has a copy of this information. Should something happen abroad, they can access this data easily and quickly.

What Sort Of Documents Should I Have In Place Before I Leave The Country?

Be sure that you have a last will and testament in place. Make sure that you have durable power of attorney for both your financial and medical concerns, and that your medical power of attorney has HIPAA authorization.

If you have minor children, make sure that guardianship designation is in place. Have a trust in place if your final planning needs warrant it, and be sure to have copies of your estate plans notebook available to your power of attorney.

How Long Does Estate Planning Take? Can I Create A Plan Quickly Before My Trip?

This depends upon how quickly you and your lawyer can assemble the required information,ย though two to three weeks or longer is a typical time frame for most people.ย If your travels plans are truly last-minute, aย skilled attorneyย can assemble solid and well-written documents in a much shorter time if needed.

For more information on Estate Planning Before International Travel, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (405) 449-5777ย today.

A logo of Legal Advantage Group - Call for consultation

Attorney Dan Loeliger is a seasoned lawyer whoโ€™s helped clients in Oklahoma just like you make international travelers' estate plans. With over 20 years of experience and an eye for detail, he can help you get your affairs in order and allow you to travel abroad with far greater peace of mind.

Have questions about estate planning before travel? Get in touch with The Legal Advantage Group at (405) 449-5777 for an initial consultation today.

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